Thursday, 21 March 2013

Spring Hat Party: "Spring Chicken"

Voila! A spring chicken hat for Lindsay's spring work party courtesy of supplies from the dollar store and a little imagination.

It fits, and not too heavy!

When Lindsay looked down the chicken took over. It was like a float on her head. The theme was "spring chicken" because she's the youngest gal in her old gang from the hospital. 

While not everyone took the hat theme seriously, those that did (and certainly the two on the right) helped herald in a new season and brighten up the occasion! Part way through the evening the chicken decided to take flight, tossing his spring bouquet everywhere to the amusement of the party goers. Luckily, Lindsay pieced the hat back together for this picture - a good lesson to pin that bird down next time!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I love it! That is one seriously amazing hat... I look forward to followup photos showing it being used well into summer & fall!


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